BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Document menu details

Document menu details

The Document menu contains commands for working with a single document or a selection of documents. It is only visible when at least one document is selected.

Note    Additional commands will appear on this menu if the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module or the Meridian Transmittal Management Module is active. Refer to the User’s Guide of the corresponding module for details.

The following table briefly describes each command on the Document menu. Refer to topics elsewhere in this guide for details.

Document menu commands
Command Description


Opens the selected document in the application registered by Windows for the document’s file type. For more information, see Opening a document from within Meridian.


Open Rendition

When viewing the rendition of a document, opens the rendition in its Windows-registered application instead of opening the source document.

Note    To open properly, the BCRenditionPropertySet.Format property of the rendition must be set to the file extension of the rendition. PowerUser will attempt to open the file in Adobe Reader if the property is empty.

Send to Email Recipient

Creates a new email message in the default email application with the selected documents as attachments. You can then type a message body, select recipients, and send the message. For more information, see Emailing documents.

Document Workflow

Displays a submenu listing the workflow transitions available for the selected document’s current status and document type. The available transitions will be a subset of those from the Quick Change, document type workflow, workflow definitions, and working copies workflow types, depending on the configuration of the vault and the selected document type. For more information, see Routing a document in a workflow.

Create New Version

Retires the selected document and creates a new document to replace it. For more information, see Replacing a document and Understanding the copy commands.

Managed Change

Displays a submenu of commands for managing master documents and the project copies made from them. For more information, see About project folders.

Transmittal Management

If the Meridian Transmittal Management Module is installed, displays a submenu of commands for managing transmittals and submittals. For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Transmittal Management User’s Guide .

Assign to Work Area

Creates a copy of the selected document in a work area that you select and locks the source document in the Main area. Available only when at least one active work area exists. For more information, see Assigning a document to a work area.

Discard from Work Area

Discards the copy of an assigned document from the current work area and unlocks the source document in the Main area. This command is not available in the Main area. For more information, see Releasing a document from a work area.

Release to Main Area

Releases the selected document as a new revision of the source document in the Main area and unlocks the source document. This command is not available in the Main area. For more information, see Releasing a document from a work area.

NEW  Change Subscription

Shows the Change Subscription dialog box with which you can subscribe to the selected document as described in NEW  Subscribing to documents.

Unlock from Local Workspace

Unlocks a document that is locked in your Local Workspace. cleared if the selected document is not locked in your Local Workspace. For more information, see Locking and unlocking documents.

Sync Local Workspace

Synchronizes the selected document in your Local Workspace with the latest vault revision. For more information, see Manually synchronizing the Local Workspace.

Prepare for Offline Work

Prepares your Local Workspace for offline work by downloading the selected document. For more information, see Manually synchronizing the Local Workspace.

Add to Briefcase

Adds the selected document to an existing briefcase you select. For more information, see Adding documents to a briefcase.

Unlock from Briefcase

Unlocks the selected document from the briefcase to which it has been checked out. cleared if the selected document is not locked in a briefcase.


Displays a submenu of commands that exchange property and reference data between Meridian properties and the selected document. Property data exchange requires configuration by a system administrator. For more information, see About the application links.

Change Document Type

Displays a list of document types in the current vault from which to select a new document type for the selected document. For more information, see Changing a document’s type.

Issue New File Name

Recalculates the file name of the selected document according to its document type. For more information, see Issuing a new file name.

Refresh Thumbnail

Regenerates the thumbnail image for the selected document.


Opens the selected document in a new resizable window using the viewer configured for the file type of the selected document.

Draft Print

Prints the selected document using the current viewer to a Windows printing device using the options you select. For more information, see Printing documents.

Print Preview

Works the same as Draft Print but displays the output in a new window instead of to a Windows printing device. For more information, see Printing documents.

Show Revisions

Displays a list of the revisions of the selected document contained in the vault. For more information, see Viewing prior revisions.


Executes the Compare command for two selected documents. cleared when only one document is selected. For more information, see Comparing documents.

Build Report

Displays a list of available report definitions from which to build a report containing information about the selected documents. cleared if no report definitions exist. For more information, see Building a report.


Deletes the selected document. Deleted documents may be undeleted by selecting Undelete on the parent Folder menu or shortcut menu. For more information, see Deleting and undeleting documents and folders.

Add to My Search Results

Adds the selected documents to your My Search Results static collection. For more information, see Creating and editing a collection.

Add to Collection

Adds the selected documents to an existing static collection you select. cleared if no static collections exist. For more information, see Creating and editing a collection.

Remove from Collection

Removes the selected documents from the current collection. This command is only visible when viewing a static collection that contains the selected document. For more information, see Creating and editing a collection.

Show References

Displays the selected document’s references to other documents in the vault. Equivalent to clicking the Show Referenced Documents button . For more information, see Viewing references.

Create Reference

Creates a reference to another document you select, using an available reference type. cleared if no manual reference types exist. For more information, see Creating a reference.

Show Assembly Structure

Opens the assembly structure viewing window showing other documents that the selected document references in the assembly. For more information, see Using the Reference Explorer.

Show Where Used

Opens the assembly structure viewing window showing other documents that reference the selected document in an assembly. For more information, see Using the Reference Explorer.

Show Derivatives

Opens the assembly structure viewing window showing other documents that have been derived from the selected document. For more information, see Using the Reference Explorer.


Displays the property pages of the selected document in a new resizable window. Useful if the property page pane is cleared. For more information, see Viewing and editing properties.

Note    Your ability to access and run any command depends on your security role memberships and the current scope.

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